New America
American Politics, Not Business As Usual Any Longer!
President 2012: Patriot Or Puppet For Billionaires
BUY NOW: “President 2012: Patriot or Puppet for Billionaires” is available for sale online at as well as Tippie's website: and other channels.
This book's table of contents is below as it appears in the book, and the book is out now and you can purchase it on Amazon or my website, both listed below. This book is a political guide that breaks down the top desired qualities for America’s future leaders and places blame and responsibility squarely where it belongs and offers a plan to correct the mistakes.
As the 2012 invisible primary lurches to a close, the Republican Party looks more likely than ever to be in the process of presenting its caucus and primary voters with the choice between one candidate they don't want to nominate and another their fellow-Americans don't want to elect. Mitt Romney simply hasn't grown on primary voters; if anything, in recent weeks, he's soured. And Newt Gingrich, for his part, would enter the general election as the weakest GOP nominee since Barry Goldwater.
I think that someone outside the fray of politics as usual will capture the Right wing Republicans Central Conservatives and Democratic Conservatives and that someone is David Tippie. With all the fawning over Ron Paul and his fiscal policy, it isn’t just fiscal policy that makes an effective President of the United States. It also takes sound foreign policy.
Everyone of them run from the tough issues, here is one: Mexico—Illegals...Page....133 in my book.
Remember IKE and how he dealt with this very same issue--well that is my fix as well; but that's one a tid-bit, read my book. We certainly need not be beholden to oil and euro or other entanglements and all of our efforts moving forward, should remain covert and have one goal and that is to protect America and Americans; everything else should be handled from the sky and the sea. We are not nation builders and each and every time we have professed to be, it was over oil. We have the technology to become energy independent and with the right outsider who refuses to be beholden to any person or special interest group you have but one choice; David Tippie
“President 2012: Patriot or Puppet for Billionaires” by David Tippie offers readers a description of the prime candidate's platform for the 2012 presidential election who is no different than you but you will agree with his platform, should you be a conservative and he is originally from Texas but now has lived for many years in TAMARAC, Fl; and his name is David Tippie.
Since the election of John F. Kennedy, Tippie has spent countless hours studying the nature of America and it politics as well as it's elected officials. Over the years, one thing has become clear to Tippie: he can’t stand unfulfilled promises.
“President 2012: Patriot or Puppet for Billionaires” will have this (ISBN 1463618425), Tippie offers the public his actions for change that are designed to replace the false hopes and promises made by our leaders today.
Tippie highlights ideas as well as previous leaders who have followed his fresh, non-ideological thinking. He believes that the most important step is to have a government of the people, for the people, which is run and created by the people. He explains how we should be working based on the guidelines of our original republic according to our Constitution and he believes that he has the strengths all the qualities to first save our country from the path of destruction that it is now on and then to bring our country back to the greatest country in the world status.
The author states that while it is important to love America as the country’s leader, it is even more important to be honest and upfront with one’s goals and practices such as discussed in this book. Tippie contends that current and previous leaders have simply followed their hidden agendas or did as they were told by wealthy individuals or their puppet masters and organizations who offer to fund their programs to helf further their agenda. As a candidate, Tippie can't be misquoted by the media because all he believes in and what he plans to do, is written in this book.
“Democracy is failing America, we must return to our republic and we can't just blame all of it on the politicians and the corporations,” Tippie says. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. – Thomas Jefferson
Tyranny has gained more than just a foothold by sinking our republic, and it’s time for all people of good conscience to stand up and speak with your vote. It’s time to make a difference; read this book that spells out the platform and the change, Not Hope & Change you knew nothing about before you voted for Obama.
Tippie believes “President 2012” will put America on a better set of tracks as we head toward the future of our great country. He believes that with the right officials in office, this country, with the support of those patriots, will save itself from a pending disaster and these patriots will help Americans live the life we know that make citizens and our country great.
BUY NOW: “President 2012: Patriot or Puppet for Billionaires” is available for sale online at as well as Tippie's website: and other channels.
Book review on youtube:
Here is the Contents page:
Chapter 1, P-9, American Politics, No longer Business as Usual.
a. Destroy Economy ................ 9
b. OB’s civil defense ............ 10
c. Petty Jealousies................11
d. Ralph Nader.....................11
e. Conservative ...................13
f. Social program..................14
Chapter 2, P-19, Is It Probable That Someone Who Is Not a Multimillion- aire Could Become President?
a. Fed Gov Mandate .............. 20
b. Progressive/Schools .......... 21
c. Soul Alinsky ................. 22
d. Dreams of My Father .......... 23
e. Goldman Sachs ................ 28
f. Fed reserve................... 27
g. Logistics .....................27
h. Tax Code.......................28
i. Import Export .................28
j. Fed Un-elected ................29
k. Enough is Enough...............30
l. whites Voted for Black.........31
Chapter 3, P-33, Honest, Trustworthy Patriots Did Not Bring Us to Where We Are Today
a. Only Americans wanted ........ 34
b. What Soldier means ........... 35
c. Cut-Gov-Waste & GMO .......... 35
d. Borrow $3.9 B-per day......... 38
e. Republic Vs Democracy ........ 39
f. First Amendment............... 42
g. Budget Deficit.................43
h. Gun Control....................45
i. Fundamental Rts................45
Chapter 4, P-47, Revolutionary War and Independence
a. Moore-Rep-vs-Democ ........... 48
b. Moree-Gun-Control............. 51
c. Failure Education............. 52
d. Not-Repeat bad Debt........... 55
e. Cap and Trade ................ 56
f. Who We Borrow From ........... 58
g. Shanghai SCO ..................61
h. Executive Order ...............62
i. Nixon Dollar Crash.............64
Chapter 5, P-67, Stop Huge Federal Spending
a. Brazil-USD-Drill Oil ......... 69
b. Greed not Ambition ........... 69
c. Fed Reserv-Created ........... 70
d. Banking Cushion............... 71
e. Savings/Loan/crisis........... 74
f. Socialism Wealth Re- ......... 77
g. Patriot for Pres ..............77
h. U.S. Border Mexico.............78
i. Deport ILLegals................79
j. Foreign Aid Stoped ............79
k. China Syndrom .................80
l. Good/Bad Economy...............81
Chapter 6, P-83, The Middle Class Has Shrunk in America
a. ILLegals cost Jobs ........... 83
b. U.S Company A-Wall ........... 84
c. American Dream ???............ 85
d. Regan Thinking................ 85
e. Obama Vs Regan ............... 88
f. Great Depression.............. 90
g. Living Constitution............91
h. Socialism-Progressive .........93
i. Woodrow Wilson ................94
j. Roosevelt .....................95
k. Bureaucrat Agencies............96
l. Wood/Roos/Gov.................96
Chapter 7, P-99, 2012 Presidency
a. D-Tippie-Platform............ 100
b. Religion..................... 100
c. Obama’s Muslims ............. 103
d. Can/Muslim/be/America........ 103
e. Un-Born-Child ............... 104
f. Christianity/Schools ........ 105
g. Constitution/Christian....... 105
h. Specific-D-T-Platform........ 105
i. Fear-Guilt-Racism............ 107
j. Hospitals-Improved ...........109
k. More-Cap-Trade ...............114
l. Mr. Wizard....................115
m. Radical-Racism................116
o. BO’s Impeachment .............121
p. Lockebie Bomber ..............129
q. Jews/Supported/BO ............130
r. Mexico—Illegals...............133
Chapter 8, P-135, White Americans Voted for the First Black President
a. News is Entertainment........ 137
b. 2008-Elect-Damage............ 137
c. What Happened Honor ......... 139
d. America Eroding ............. 139
e. Progressive/Communist........ 141
f. Mindset—Change .............. 143
g. Argentina ................... 144
h. Populist Plan................ 145
i. Covertness....................148
j. Kennedy’s EO-11110............151
k. How to Change ................153
l. Illegals/Tax/Burden...........153
m. Education/Shambles ...........154
n. Crime—Poverty.................155
o. More Fed Reserve .............158
p. Revolt—Revolution ............159
Chapter 9, P-161, Education through Progressive communism
a. America-Destroy-Within....... 162
b. Third-World-living........... 163
c. China and Fed ? ............. 163
d. What Happened to Jobs ....... 164
e. Food Riots America .......... 166
f. Platform/All/on/Table ........167
g. Up/against/billionaires.......167
h. Soldiers/Where/Needed.........168
i. LBJ-New-World-Order ..........169
Chapter 10, P-171, What is Conditioned Response
a. Jessie Jackson/Al-Sharpton ...173
b. LBJ-Hand in Racism .......... 175
c. Niccolo Machiavelli ......... 176
d. What is the NOW ............. 176
e. Bill Clinton/Bob Dole ....... 177
f. Rep/Dem/Whatever ............ 177
g. Are you an American...........180
h. What is Too Minor ............184
i. Who/Sleeping/Giant? ..........185
j BO’s Cert/Live/Birth .........186
k. Social Security Scam .........187
Chapter 11, P-191, If We Don’t Stand for Something, We Will Fall for Any- thing
a. Waste spending .............. 192
b. TARP ........................ 193
c. Un-Elected-Bureaucrats ...... 193
d. BO’s Bill/Natural is gone ... 194
e. Cloward Piven Scheme ........ 195
Chapter 12, P-197, Who is David Tippie
a. God knows / Free enterprise…..202
b. David’s final word………….....…….214
Book review on youtube:
About the Author of President 2012, Patriot or Puppet for billionaires:
IT IS TIME WE TAKE SERIUOSLY, NON-POLITICIANS WHO ARE TRUE AMERICANS, and stop putting our belief in and votes behind, inside the beltway politically correct, hoodwinking, flim-flam, men/women who do not represent the people, which has gotten us in the mess we are in today! Trump has the guts to say what the timid Rinos refuse to say but look at his past; he has been in bed with left and the right to make money. How would he be any different? He is just another billionaire who is in search of a new way to exploit himself and make even more money.
This is a video of what our national debt really is:
This is a video on youtube about the difference between a Republic and a
Tippie has been studying politics most of his adult life with the most passion since John F. Kennedy was president. He is in the natural wellness industry because of his passion to help others. Tippie has written one other book, “Collapse of Drugs, due to wellness” and is the president and Nature-O-Path of the Anti-Aging Clinic Association, Inc.
David Tippie
Phone: (954) 742-4430